General Urgent Info
In preparation for your upcoming trip check for any vaccine and/or testing requirements, travel restrictions, policies, or mandates related to Covid-19 to and from your destination. Resources available online include, but are not limited to, government, airline, and your host resortu2019s website.
Restaurant is open from 8am-8pmGrotto bar is open from 11am-7pmFerry has resumed its regular scheduled trips into the Port Lucaya Market PlaceWater-sports activities have resumed weather permittedResort sponsored activities are in full swing and back on its regular scheduleThe resurfacing of the POOL is finally completed!!
Visitors traveling via airlines should go to to see if travel documents (health requirements, visas, and immunizations) are sufficient for the airline you are traveling on.
Members/Guests traveling to Bahamas from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela, must provide a yellow fever vaccination certificate taken with less than 10 days prior to the arrival date. Vaccine is requested for all people traveling from 1 year old and above.
Prior to travel, RCI recommends contacting your host resort as well as local, state and federal websites for advisories that may impact your travel or vacation experience.
RCI and its related entities shall not have any liability related to individual resortsu2019 on-site COVID-19 testing (or absence of on-site COVID-19 testing).